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Round Entry

Record Distance to Hole
Optionally Record Round Type
Optionally Record Tournament Details
Optionally Record Ball Lie
Optionally Record Shot Difficulty
Optionally Record Club Used
Optionally Record Finish Position
Optionally Record Putt Break and Slope


Round Overview Statistics
Putting Per-Distance Statistics
Short Game Per-Distance Statistics
Sand Per-Distance Statistics
Long Game Per-Distance Statistics
Club Statistics

Statistics Filtering

By Score (own)
By Round Type
By Selected Round
By Tournament
By Golf Course
By Best and Worst Score
By Preset Score Ranges
By Last / 5 / 10 / All Rounds
By Score (entire database)
By Handicap (entire database)
By Player Category (entire database)
By Coached Player
By Group of Coached Players

Comparison and Benchmarking

Against Player's Own Rounds and Shots
Against Database of Shots
Against a Coached Player
Against a Group of Coached Players


Customisable Charts
Customisable Favourite Charts
Time Charts for each Round Overview Statistic
Dispersion (Proximity to Hole)
Shots to Hole
Swing Thought Performance
Dispersion by Lie
Dispersion Distribution %
Distance Occurrence
Score by Round Type
Score to Par by Hole
Drive Lie %
Drive Finish Position
Shot Finish Position
Putt Finish Position
Putting %
Putting % by Break
Putting % by Slope
Putting % by Break and Slope

Social Media & Sharing Players Information

Facebook Integration
Twitter Integration
Invite a Coach to View / Analyse Data
Invite a Player to be coached

Performance Analysis and Tracking

What-if-Analysis™ Goal Setting
Ad-Hoc Goal Setting
Training Log
Skills Tests
Player Notes

Coach Tools

Player Rankings
Private Notes
Share Notes with Player
Share Notes with other Coaches
Player Groups
Round Reports when Players Complete a Round
Set Round Report Benchmarks